2025 RULE UPDATE: Kubota High Limit Racing announces Willy Willy Tire Pressure Stabilizers legal for 2025 season

Tire Pressure Stabilizer
Yes, there is a difference!
Race tire air bleeders have been around for years, mechanical and electronic. They were designed to help solve the pesky problem of air pressure increases due to heat and friction in the tire by letting air out of the tire to maintain desired pressure.
This sounds simple enough right! However, they were only solving half of the problem. During a race stoppage or yellow flag condition, less friction on the tires means cooler temps and LESS air pressure making the race car handle worse than when you started.
The Willy Willy Tire Pressure Stabilizer™ solves that problem. It’s patent pending design works with any conventional bleeder, Conroy or Swindell, to provide a constant air pressure throughout the ENTIRE race. Whatever you set your bleeder at, that is what you will have throughout the entire race. You can have confidence in your race set up from green to checkered and any yellow or red flags in between.
Outrace your competition
Eliminates dangerously low tire pressures, allowing for consistent and predictable restarts
Maintains set air pressures throughout the entire race
Combats leaky air bleeders
Works with Swindell, Conroy and all manual bleeders
Fits Winters and DMI axels
Legal in Kubota High Limit Racing 2025 season